English Keyboard Music 1650–1695: Perspectives on Purcell
Purcell Society Companion Series Vol 6.
Edited by Andrew Woolley
This wide-ranging anthology offers performers and scholars both a musical context for the keyboard works of Henry Purcell and a generous selection of fascinating repertoire from the period. All the selected music is of fine quality, and the works published here either for the first time, or for the first time in modern editions, include harpsichord suites by John Blow, Albertus Bryne, John Cobb, Giovanni Battista Draghi and Francis Forcer, a setting of Lully’s Scocca Pur, and organ verses and voluntaries by John Hingeston and Anon. In addition, the latter contributes a pair of keyboard suites whose pattern of almand-corant-saraband is amongst the earliest found in English sources. For a complete picture, there are also new editions of more familiar works by Blow and Matthew Locke, offering in this single-volume format an attractive collection of music, much of which is not available elsewhere.