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Jones, Robert: First Booke of Songs and Ayres (1600)

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Edited Edmund Fellowes revised Thurston Dart

The English School of Lutenist Song Writers. Second Series – Ref. Z4 Supplied spiral-bound – 51 pages

A woman’s looks
Can modest plain desire
Farewell, dear love
Fond wanton youths
Hero, care not though they pry
If fathers knew but how to leave
Led by a strong desire
Lie down, poor heart
Life is a poet’s fable
My mistress sings no other song
O my poor eyes
Once did I love
Perplexed sore am I
She whose matchless beauty
Sweet Philomel in groves and deserts
Sweet, come away, my darling
That heart, wherein all sorrows
What if I seek for love of thee?
When love on time and measure
Where lingering fear
Women, what are they?

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