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Blow, John: Complete Organ Music


Edited by Barry Cooper
First published in 1996
Pages: 132
Format: Paperback
Dimensions (mm): 330 x 254 x 12
Weight: 0.741kg

The organ voluntaries, double or cornet voluntaries and psalm-tune settings by John Blow form a substantial corpus of material – 48 pieces in all – that sheds much light on the developing keyboard style of the late 17th century. Predominantly serious and contrapuntal, they bear witness to the technical mastery of their composer and to his role as an important influence in Restoration musical life.

A collection of 16 pieces from this volume, selected by Barry Cooper, is available separately in our Early Keyboard series (ref. K43). In addition, any individual work from MB69 is available in printed or digital (PDF) format on request (


148th Psalm Tune
Canterbury Tune
Cantus 119
Cornet Voluntary in d
Cornet Voluntary in G
Cornet Voluntary in a
Double Voluntary in C
Double Voluntary in d (No. 26 in volume)
Double Voluntary in d (No. 27 in volume)
Double Voluntary in G
Hundredth Psalm Tune (? by Purcell)
Lichfield Tune
London Tune
Martyrs Tune
Oxford Tune
Proper Tune to Psalm 125
Psalm 100
Psalm 113
Psalm 148
Southwell Tune
St Mary Hackney
Trumpet Voluntary in D (? by Purcell)
Voluntary in C (No. 1 in volume)
Voluntary in C (No. 2 in volume)
Voluntary in C (No. 3 in volume)
Voluntary in C (No. 4 in volume)
Voluntary in D: shorter version (No. 5a in volume)
Voluntary in D: longer version (No. 5b in volume)
Voluntary in d (No. 6 in volume)
Voluntary in d (No. 7 in volume)
Voluntary in d (No. 8 in volume)
Voluntary in d (No. 46 in volume) (? by Purcell)
Voluntary in F
Voluntary in G (No. 10 in volume)
Voluntary in G (No. 11 in volume)
Voluntary in G (No. 12 in volume)
Voluntary in G (No. 13 in volume)
Voluntary in G (No. 14 in volume)
Voluntary in G (No. 15 in volume)
Voluntary in G (No. 16 in volume)
Voluntary in g (No. 17 in volume)
Voluntary in g (No. 18 in volume)
Voluntary in A (No. 19 in volume)
Voluntary in A (No. 20 in volume)
Voluntary in a (No. 21 in volume)
Voluntary in a (No. 22 in volume)
Voluntary in a (No. 23 in volume)
Windsor Tune
York Tune
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