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Collected English Lutenist Partsongs II

Ref: MB54 ISBN: 9780852496817 ISMN: 9790220204876 Categories: , By: , , , ,


Edited by David Greer
First published in 1989
Pages: 272
Format: Paperback
Dimensions (mm): 330 x 254 x 24
Weight: 1.45kg

77 partsongs by John Danyel, Thomas Ford, Robert Jones, Thomas Campion and John Attey are presented in four-part score with lute tablature and transcription.

Any individual work from this volume is available in printed or digital (PDF) format on request (


Composer Title
ATTEY, John Bright star of beauty
ATTEY, John In a grove of trees of myrtle
ATTEY, John Joy, my muse, since there is one
ATTEY, John Madam, for you I little grieve to die
ATTEY, John My days, my months, my years I spend
ATTEY, John My dearest and divinest love
ATTEY, John On a time the amorous Silvy
ATTEY, John Resound my voice, ye woods
ATTEY, John Shall I tell you whom I love?
ATTEY, John Sweet was the song the Virgin sung
ATTEY, John The Gordian knot, which Alexander great
ATTEY, John Think not ’tis I alone
ATTEY, John Vain hope, adieu!
ATTEY, John What is all this world but vain?
CAMPION, Thomas A secret love or two I must confess
CAMPION, Thomas As by the streams of Babylon
CAMPION, Thomas Author of light
CAMPION, Thomas Awake, awake, thou heavy sprite
CAMPION, Thomas Bravely deck’d, come forth, bright day
CAMPION, Thomas Come away, arm’d with love’s delights
CAMPION, Thomas Come, cheerful day
CAMPION, Thomas Come, you pretty false-eyed wanton
CAMPION, Thomas Fain would I my love disclose
CAMPION, Thomas Give beauty all her right
CAMPION, Thomas Good men, show, if you can tell
CAMPION, Thomas Harden now thy tired heart
CAMPION, Thomas Her rosy cheeks, her ever-smiling eyes
CAMPION, Thomas How eas’ly wert thou chained
CAMPION, Thomas Jack and Joan they think no ill
CAMPION, Thomas Lift up to heav’n, sad wretch
CAMPION, Thomas Lighten, heavy heart, thy sprite
CAMPION, Thomas Lo, when back mine eye
CAMPION, Thomas Most sweet and pleasing are thy ways
CAMPION, Thomas Never weather-beaten sail
CAMPION, Thomas Now hath Flora robb’d her bow’rs
CAMPION, Thomas O dear, that I with thee might live
CAMPION, Thomas O what unhop’d for sweet supply
CAMPION, Thomas Out of my soul’s depth
CAMPION, Thomas Pin’d I am, and like to die
CAMPION, Thomas Seek the Lord, and in his ways persever
CAMPION, Thomas Sing a song of joy
CAMPION, Thomas So many loves have I neglected
CAMPION, Thomas Sweet, exclude me not
CAMPION, Thomas The man of life upright
CAMPION, Thomas The peaceful western wind
CAMPION, Thomas There is none, O none but you
CAMPION, Thomas Though your strangeness frets my heart
CAMPION, Thomas To music bent is my retired mind
CAMPION, Thomas Tune thy music to thy heart
CAMPION, Thomas Vain men, whose follies
CAMPION, Thomas View me, Lord, a work of thine
CAMPION, Thomas What harvest half so sweet is
CAMPION, Thomas Where are all thy beauties now
CAMPION, Thomas Where she her sacred bow’r adorns
CAMPION, Thomas Wise men patience never want
DANYEL, John Now the earth, the skies, the air
DANYEL, John What delight can they enjoy
FORD, Thomas Come, Phyllis, come into these bow’rs
FORD, Thomas Fair, sweet, cruel
FORD, Thomas Go, Passions, to the cruel fair
FORD, Thomas How shall I then describe my love?
FORD, Thomas Not full twelve years twice told
FORD, Thomas Now I see thy looks were feigned
FORD, Thomas Since first I saw your face
FORD, Thomas There is a lady sweet and kind
FORD, Thomas Unto the temple of thy beauty
FORD, Thomas What then is love, sings Corydon
JONES, Robert And is it night?
JONES, Robert Fain would I speak
JONES, Robert Grief of my best love’s absenting
JONES, Robert How should I show my love unto my love
JONES, Robert I know not what
JONES, Robert If in this flesh
JONES, Robert O, he is gone, and I am here
JONES, Robert O thread of life, when thou art spent
JONES, Robert She hath an eye, ah me! ah me!
JONES, Robert When I sit reading all alone
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