The Mulliner Book
Edited by John Caldwell
First published in 2011
Pages: 312
Format: Hardback
Dimensions (mm): 330 x 254 x 33
Weight: 2.055kg
Of an iconic status in the historiography of British Music, The Mulliner Book was published in a completely new edition in the 60th anniversary year of Musica Britannica. A major source of 16th-century keyboard music, it is also a compilation of music for cittern and gittern, plus a short vocal piece by Mulliner himself, available for the first time complete in one volume with a detailed commentary. The collection is also of importance for the light it sheds on musical tastes and attitudes at a time when the Reformation and its consequences were becoming embedded in the national psyche.
Any individual work from this volume is available in printed or digital (PDF) format on request (; works currently available are linked below.
Composer | Title |
ALLWOOD, Richard | Claro pascali gaudio (i) (No. 18 in Volume) |
ALLWOOD, Richard | Claro pascali gaudio (ii) (No. 21 in Volume) |
ALLWOOD, Richard | In nomine |
ALLWOOD, Richard | Untitled (No. 42 in Volume) |
ALLWOOD, Richard | Voluntarye, A |
ANONYMOUS | As I deserve (No. 118 in Volume) |
ANONYMOUS | As I deserve (No. 118a in Volume) |
ANONYMOUS | bitter sweet, the (No. 114a in Volume) |
ANONYMOUS | bytter sweete, the (No. 114 in Volume) |
ANONYMOUS | [Chi passa] |
ANONYMOUS | frenche galliarde, The |
ANONYMOUS | [Galliard] |
ANONYMOUS | [Galliard: Passamezzo] |
ANONYMOUS | I smyle to see howe yow devyse |
ANONYMOUS | La bounette |
ANONYMOUS | La doune cella |
ANONYMOUS | La shy myze |
ANONYMOUS | Lyke as the chayned wyghte |
ANONYMOUS | [Maiden’s Song, The] |
ANONYMOUS | Miserere |
ANONYMOUS | My friends (No. 70a in Volume) |
ANONYMOUS | My frindes (No. 70 in Volume) |
ANONYMOUS | my hearte ys leiede on the londe |
ANONYMOUS | O ye happy dames |
ANONYMOUS | Of wyse heades |
ANONYMOUS | [Passamezzo antico] (No. 124 in Volume) |
ANONYMOUS | [Passamezzo antico] (No. 128 in Volume) |
ANONYMOUS | pauion, A |
ANONYMOUS | pointe, A (No. 64 in Volume) |
ANONYMOUS | poynte (No. 65 in Volume) |
ANONYMOUS | psalmus. O Lorde turne not awaye |
ANONYMOUS | que passe |
ANONYMOUS | Reioyce in the lorde allwayes |
ANONYMOUS | songue, A |
ANONYMOUS | Synce thow art false to me |
ANONYMOUS | Untitled (No. 12 in Volume) |
ANONYMOUS | was not goode kinge salamon |
ANONYMOUS | When Cressyde wente from troye |
ANONYMOUS | Whose faythefull service |
ANONYMOUS | wretched wandringe prince of troy, The |
BLYTHEMAN, John | Alias eterne rerum (ii) |
BLYTHEMAN, John | Christe qui lux |
BLYTHEMAN, John (attrib.) | Christe redemptor omnium |
BLYTHEMAN, John | Eterne rerum. Alias (iii) |
BLYTHEMAN, John | Eterne rerum. Alias (iv) |
BLYTHEMAN, John | Eterne rerum conditor (i) |
BLYTHEMAN, John | Excellent Meane |
BLYTHEMAN, John | [Felix namque] |
BLYTHEMAN, John | Gloria tibi trinitas (i) |
BLYTHEMAN, John | Gloria tibi trinitas (ii) |
BLYTHEMAN, John | Gloria tibi trinitas (iii) |
BLYTHEMAN, John | Gloria tibi trinitas (iv) |
BLYTHEMAN, John | Gloria tibi trinitas (v) |
BLYTHEMAN, John | Gloria tibi trinitas (vi) |
BLYTHEMAN, John | Te Deum |
BLYTHEMAN, John | Untitled (No. 27 in Volume) |
CARLETON, Nicholas | [Audi benigne conditor] |
CARLETON, Nicholas | Gloria tibi trinitas |
CHURCHEYARDE, Thomas | Venetian galliarde |
EDWARDS, Richard | In going to my naked bed (No. 81a in Volume) |
EDWARDS, Richard | In goinge to my naked bedde (No. 81 in Volume) |
EDWARDS, Richard | O The syllye man |
EDWARDS, Richard (attrib.) | When grypinge griefes |
FARRANT, Richard | Felix namque |
FARRANT, Richard | Voluntarye |
HEATHE | Christe qui lux es et dies |
JOHNSON, Robert | Benedicam domino (No. 84 in Volume) |
JOHNSON, Robert | Benedicam domino (No. 84a in Volume) |
JOHNSON, Robert | Defiled is my name (No. 80a in Volume) |
JOHNSON, Robert | Defyled is my name (No. 80 in Volume) |
JOHNSON, Robert | In nomine (No. 45 in Volume) |
JOHNSON, Robert | In nomine (No. 45a in Volume) |
MULLINER, Thomas | hier that the Ceder tree, The (No. 1 in Appendix) |
MULLINER, Thomas | Queene of scottes gallyard to the sitherne |
MUNDY, William | Exurge Christe |
MUNDY, William | Tres partes in una |
NEWMAN | Fansy (No. 10a in Volume) |
NEWMAN | fansye, A (No. 10 in Volume) |
NEWMAN | pavyon, A |
PARSONS, Robert | [Enforced by love and fear] No. 16 in Volume) |
PARSONS, Robert | Enforced by love and fear (No. 16a in Volume) |
REDFORD, John | Aurora lucis withe a meane |
REDFORD, John | Christe qui lux (No. 31 in Volume) |
REDFORD, John | Christe qui lux with a meane (No. 40 in Volume) |
REDFORD, John | Eterne rerum conditor |
REDFORD, John | Eterne rex altissime |
REDFORD, John (attrib.) | [Ex more docti mystico] |
REDFORD, John (attrib.) | [Exultet celum laudibus] (No. 6 in Volume) |
REDFORD, John | Exultet celum laudibus withe a meane (No. 30 in Volume) |
REDFORD, John | Glorificamus |
REDFORD, John | Iam lucis orto sydere |
REDFORD, John | Iste confessor withe a meane (No. 48 in Volume) |
REDFORD, John | Iste confessor withe a meane (No. 63 in Volume) |
REDFORD, John | Lucem tuam (i) (No. 37 in Volume) |
REDFORD, John | Lucem tuam (ii) (No. 39 in Volume) |
REDFORD, John | [Lucis creator optime] |
REDFORD, John (attrib.) | [Magnificat Verse] |
REDFORD, John | meane, A |
REDFORD, John | Miserere (No. 7 in Volume) |
REDFORD, John | Miserere withe a meane (No. 53 in Volume) |
REDFORD, John | O lux on the fabourden |
REDFORD, John | Salvator withe a meane (i) (No. 36 in Volume) |
REDFORD, John | Salvator withe a meane (ii) (No. 72 in Volume) |
REDFORD, John | Salvum fac |
REDFORD, John | Sermone blando angelus |
REDFORD, John | [Te lucis ante terminum] |
REDFORD, John | [Te prophetarum] |
REDFORD, John | Tu ad liberandum |
REDFORD, John | [Venerandum] |
REDFORD, John | Veni redemptor |
REDFORD, John | Verbum supernum withe a meane |
SHELBYE, William | Felix namque |
SHELBYE, William | Miserere |
SHEPPARD, John | I geve yow a new commanndement (No. 44 in Volume) |
SHEPPARD, John | I give you a new commandment (No. 44a in Volume) |
SHEPPARD, John | man is blest, The (No. 82a in Volume) |
SHEPPARD, John | man is bleste, The (No. 82 in Volume) |
SHEPPARD, John | O happy dames (No. 111a in Volume) |
SHEPPARD, John | O happye Dames (No. 111 in Volume) |
SHEPPARD, John | poynte, A |
SHEPPARD, John | Quia fecit (No. 24 in Volume) |
SHEPPARD, John | Quia fecit (No. 24a in Volume) |
SHEPPARD, John | Versus (i) |
SHEPPARD, John | Versus (ii) |
SHEPPARD, John | Versus (iii) |
SMITH, John Stafford | Untitled (No. 2 in Appendix) |
TALLIS, Thomas | [Clarifica me pater I] (No. 99 in Volume) |
TALLIS, Thomas | [Clarifica me pater II] (No. 101 in Volume) |
TALLIS, Thomas | [Clarifíca me pater III] (No. 104 in Volume) |
TALLIS, Thomas | Ecce tempus (i) (No. 100 in Volume) |
TALLIS, Thomas | Ecce tempus ydoneum (ii) (No. 105 in Volume) |
TALLIS, Thomas | Ex more docti mistico |
TALLIS, Thomas | ffonde youthe is a bubble (No. 25 in Volume) |
TALLIS, Thomas | Fond youth is a bubble (No. 25b in Volume) |
TALLIS, Thomas | Iam lucis orto sydere |
TALLIS, Thomas | Iste confessor |
TALLIS, Thomas | Lyke as the dolefull dove |
TALLIS, Thomas | Natus est nobis |
TALLIS, Thomas | O ye tender babes |
TALLIS, Thomas | Per haec nos (No. 119 in Volume) |
TALLIS, Thomas | Per hec nos (No. 119a in Volume) |
TALLIS, Thomas | poyncte, A |
TALLIS, Thomas | Purge me, O Lord (No. 25a in Volume) |
TALLIS, Thomas | Remember not, O Lord God (No. 43a in Volume) |
TALLIS, Thomas | Remember not, O Lord God (No. 43b in Volume) |
TALLIS, Thomas | Remember not o lorde (No. 43 in Volume) |
TALLIS, Thomas | Veni redemptor (i) (No. 97 in Volume) |
TALLIS, Thomas | Veni redemptor (ii) (No. 102 in Volume) |
TALLIS, Thomas | When shall my sorowfull sygheinge (No. 85 in Vol.) |
TALLIS, Thomas | When shall my sorrowful sighing slack? (No. 85a in Vol.) |
TAVERNER, John | In nomine (No. 35 in Volume) |
TAVERNER, John | In nomine (No. 35a in Volume) |
TYE, Christopher | Amavit eum dominus |
TYE, Christopher | I lift my heart |
TYE, Christopher | poynte, A (No. 68 in Volume) |
TYE, Christopher | poynte, A (No. 69 in Volume) |
TYE, Christopher | [Praise ye the Lord, ye children] (No. 68a in Volume) |
TYE, Christopher | [Praise ye the Lord, ye children] (No. 69a in Volume) |
TYE, Christopher | [When that the fifty day was come] (No. 112 in Volume) |
TYE, Christopher | When that the fifty day was come (No. 112a in Volume) |
WHITE, Robert | In nomine (No. 87a in Volume) |
WHYTE, Robert | In nomine (No. 87 in Volume) |