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The Mulliner Book

Ref: MB1 ISBN: 9780852499153 ISMN: 9790220222702 Categories: , , , ,


Edited by John Caldwell
First published in 2011
Pages: 312
Format: Hardback
Dimensions (mm): 330 x 254 x 33
Weight: 2.055kg

Of an iconic status in the historiography of British Music, The Mulliner Book was published in a completely new edition in the 60th anniversary year of Musica Britannica. A major source of 16th-century keyboard music, it is also a compilation of music for cittern and gittern, plus a short vocal piece by Mulliner himself, available for the first time complete in one volume with a detailed commentary. The collection is also of importance for the light it sheds on musical tastes and attitudes at a time when the Reformation and its consequences were becoming embedded in the national psyche.

Any individual work from this volume is available in printed or digital (PDF) format on request (; works currently available are linked below.


Composer Title
ALLWOOD, Richard Claro pascali gaudio (i) (No. 18 in Volume)
ALLWOOD, Richard Claro pascali gaudio (ii) (No. 21 in Volume)
ALLWOOD, Richard In nomine
ALLWOOD, Richard Untitled (No. 42 in Volume)
ALLWOOD, Richard Voluntarye, A
ANONYMOUS As I deserve (No. 118 in Volume)
ANONYMOUS As I deserve (No. 118a in Volume)
ANONYMOUS bitter sweet, the (No. 114a in Volume)
ANONYMOUS bytter sweete, the (No. 114 in Volume)
ANONYMOUS [Chi passa]
ANONYMOUS frenche galliarde, The
ANONYMOUS [Galliard]
ANONYMOUS [Galliard: Passamezzo]
ANONYMOUS I smyle to see howe yow devyse
ANONYMOUS La bounette
ANONYMOUS La doune cella
ANONYMOUS La shy myze
ANONYMOUS Lyke as the chayned wyghte
ANONYMOUS [Maiden’s Song, The]
ANONYMOUS My friends (No. 70a in Volume)
ANONYMOUS My frindes (No. 70 in Volume)
ANONYMOUS my hearte ys leiede on the londe
ANONYMOUS O ye happy dames
ANONYMOUS Of wyse heades
ANONYMOUS [Passamezzo antico] (No. 124 in Volume)
ANONYMOUS [Passamezzo antico] (No. 128 in Volume)
ANONYMOUS pointe, A (No. 64 in Volume)
ANONYMOUS poynte (No. 65 in Volume)
ANONYMOUS psalmus. O Lorde turne not awaye
ANONYMOUS que passe
ANONYMOUS Reioyce in the lorde allwayes
ANONYMOUS Synce thow art false to me
ANONYMOUS Untitled (No. 12 in Volume)
ANONYMOUS was not goode kinge salamon
ANONYMOUS When Cressyde wente from troye
ANONYMOUS Whose faythefull service
ANONYMOUS wretched wandringe prince of troy, The
BLYTHEMAN, John Alias eterne rerum (ii)
BLYTHEMAN, John Christe qui lux
BLYTHEMAN, John (attrib.) Christe redemptor omnium
BLYTHEMAN, John Eterne rerum. Alias (iii)
BLYTHEMAN, John Eterne rerum. Alias (iv)
BLYTHEMAN, John Eterne rerum conditor (i)
BLYTHEMAN, John Excellent Meane
BLYTHEMAN, John [Felix namque]
BLYTHEMAN, John Gloria tibi trinitas (i)
BLYTHEMAN, John Gloria tibi trinitas (ii)
BLYTHEMAN, John Gloria tibi trinitas (iii)
BLYTHEMAN, John Gloria tibi trinitas (iv)
BLYTHEMAN, John Gloria tibi trinitas (v)
BLYTHEMAN, John Gloria tibi trinitas (vi)
BLYTHEMAN, John Untitled (No. 27 in Volume)
CARLETON, Nicholas [Audi benigne conditor]
CARLETON, Nicholas Gloria tibi trinitas
CHURCHEYARDE, Thomas Venetian galliarde
EDWARDS, Richard In going to my naked bed (No. 81a in Volume)
EDWARDS, Richard In goinge to my naked bedde (No. 81 in Volume)
EDWARDS, Richard O The syllye man
EDWARDS, Richard (attrib.) When grypinge griefes
FARRANT, Richard Felix namque
FARRANT, Richard Voluntarye
HEATHE Christe qui lux es et dies
JOHNSON, Robert Benedicam domino (No. 84 in Volume)
JOHNSON, Robert Benedicam domino (No. 84a in Volume)
JOHNSON, Robert Defiled is my name (No. 80a in Volume)
JOHNSON, Robert Defyled is my name (No. 80 in Volume)
JOHNSON, Robert In nomine (No. 45 in Volume)
JOHNSON, Robert In nomine (No. 45a in Volume)
MULLINER, Thomas hier that the Ceder tree, The (No. 1 in Appendix)
MULLINER, Thomas Queene of scottes gallyard to the sitherne
MUNDY, William Exurge Christe
MUNDY, William Tres partes in una
NEWMAN Fansy (No. 10a in Volume)
NEWMAN fansye, A (No. 10 in Volume)
NEWMAN pavyon, A
PARSONS, Robert [Enforced by love and fear] No. 16 in Volume)
PARSONS, Robert Enforced by love and fear (No. 16a in Volume)
REDFORD, John Aurora lucis withe a meane
REDFORD, John Christe qui lux (No. 31 in Volume)
REDFORD, John Christe qui lux with a meane (No. 40 in Volume)
REDFORD, John Eterne rerum conditor
REDFORD, John Eterne rex altissime
REDFORD, John (attrib.) [Ex more docti mystico]
REDFORD, John (attrib.) [Exultet celum laudibus] (No. 6 in Volume)
REDFORD, John Exultet celum laudibus withe a meane (No. 30 in Volume)
REDFORD, John Glorificamus
REDFORD, John Iam lucis orto sydere
REDFORD, John Iste confessor withe a meane (No. 48 in Volume)
REDFORD, John Iste confessor withe a meane (No. 63 in Volume)
REDFORD, John Lucem tuam (i) (No. 37 in Volume)
REDFORD, John Lucem tuam (ii) (No. 39 in Volume)
REDFORD, John [Lucis creator optime]
REDFORD, John (attrib.) [Magnificat Verse]
REDFORD, John meane, A
REDFORD, John Miserere (No. 7 in Volume)
REDFORD, John Miserere withe a meane (No. 53 in Volume)
REDFORD, John O lux on the fabourden
REDFORD, John Salvator withe a meane (i) (No. 36 in Volume)
REDFORD, John Salvator withe a meane (ii) (No. 72 in Volume)
REDFORD, John Salvum fac
REDFORD, John Sermone blando angelus
REDFORD, John [Te lucis ante terminum]
REDFORD, John [Te prophetarum]
REDFORD, John Tu ad liberandum
REDFORD, John [Venerandum]
REDFORD, John Veni redemptor
REDFORD, John Verbum supernum withe a meane
SHELBYE, William Felix namque
SHELBYE, William Miserere
SHEPPARD, John I geve yow a new commanndement (No. 44 in Volume)
SHEPPARD, John I give you a new commandment (No. 44a in Volume)
SHEPPARD, John man is blest, The (No. 82a in Volume)
SHEPPARD, John man is bleste, The (No. 82 in Volume)
SHEPPARD, John O happy dames (No. 111a in Volume)
SHEPPARD, John O happye Dames (No. 111 in Volume)
SHEPPARD, John poynte, A
SHEPPARD, John Quia fecit (No. 24 in Volume)
SHEPPARD, John Quia fecit (No. 24a in Volume)
SHEPPARD, John Versus (i)
SHEPPARD, John Versus (ii)
SHEPPARD, John Versus (iii)
SMITH, John Stafford Untitled (No. 2 in Appendix)
TALLIS, Thomas [Clarifica me pater I] (No. 99 in Volume)
TALLIS, Thomas [Clarifica me pater II] (No. 101 in Volume)
TALLIS, Thomas [Clarifíca me pater III] (No. 104 in Volume)
TALLIS, Thomas Ecce tempus (i) (No. 100 in Volume)
TALLIS, Thomas Ecce tempus ydoneum (ii) (No. 105 in Volume)
TALLIS, Thomas Ex more docti mistico
TALLIS, Thomas ffonde youthe is a bubble (No. 25 in Volume)
TALLIS, Thomas Fond youth is a bubble (No. 25b in Volume)
TALLIS, Thomas Iam lucis orto sydere
TALLIS, Thomas Iste confessor
TALLIS, Thomas Lyke as the dolefull dove
TALLIS, Thomas Natus est nobis
TALLIS, Thomas O ye tender babes
TALLIS, Thomas Per haec nos (No. 119 in Volume)
TALLIS, Thomas Per hec nos (No. 119a in Volume)
TALLIS, Thomas poyncte, A
TALLIS, Thomas Purge me, O Lord (No. 25a in Volume)
TALLIS, Thomas Remember not, O Lord God (No. 43a in Volume)
TALLIS, Thomas Remember not, O Lord God (No. 43b in Volume)
TALLIS, Thomas Remember not o lorde (No. 43 in Volume)
TALLIS, Thomas Veni redemptor (i) (No. 97 in Volume)
TALLIS, Thomas Veni redemptor (ii) (No. 102 in Volume)
TALLIS, Thomas When shall my sorowfull sygheinge (No. 85 in Vol.)
TALLIS, Thomas When shall my sorrowful sighing slack? (No. 85a in Vol.)
TAVERNER, John In nomine (No. 35 in Volume)
TAVERNER, John In nomine (No. 35a in Volume)
TYE, Christopher Amavit eum dominus
TYE, Christopher I lift my heart
TYE, Christopher poynte, A (No. 68 in Volume)
TYE, Christopher poynte, A (No. 69 in Volume)
TYE, Christopher [Praise ye the Lord, ye children] (No. 68a in Volume)
TYE, Christopher [Praise ye the Lord, ye children] (No. 69a in Volume)
TYE, Christopher [When that the fifty day was come] (No. 112 in Volume)
TYE, Christopher When that the fifty day was come (No. 112a in Volume)
WHITE, Robert In nomine (No. 87a in Volume)
WHYTE, Robert In nomine (No. 87 in Volume)
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