Pilkington, Francis: The First Booke of Songs (1605)
Edited by E H Fellowes. Revised by Thurston Dart
With Lute Tablature
The whole of this Set, as printed in the original edition, was designed by the Composer for the two alternative methods of performance, namely, as solo songs with accompaniment, or for four voices unaccompanied.
Alas fair face (F sharp – E)
Ay me, she frowns (F – G)
Beauty sat bathing (D – F)
Can she disdain? (E – E)
Climb O heart (D – F)
Come, come all you (D – E)
Diaphenia, like the daffdowndilly (D – D)
Down a down thus Phyllis sung (D – D)
I sigh as sure to wear the fruit (E – E)
Look mistress mine (F sharp – F)
Music dear solace to my thoughts (D- F)
My choice is made (D – F)
Now let her change (E – F)
Now peep, Bo Peep (E – F)
Pavan for the lute and bass viol
Rest sweet nymphs (G – F)
Sound woeful plaints (D – D)
Thanks gentle moon (D – E)
Underneath a cypress shade (F – F)
Whither so fast? (E – E)
With fragrant flow’rs (D – E flat)
You that pine in long desire (E – E)