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By Babylon’s Streams


Organ music of the English Romantic School
Selected and edited by Martin Ellis
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This album presents some of the finest and most ambitious works written by English organist composers active between the late-Victorian period and the years following the First World War. Its contents include the Scherzoso of Walter Battison Haynes, the Nunc Dimittis of Charles Wood, the Fantasy on the Tune ‘Babylon’s Streams’ by William Harris, the Impromptu No. 2 in D by Sydney Nicholson, the Lament by Harvey Grace, and Epinikion (Song of Victory) by Cyril Bradley Rootham. Martin Ellis brings his great experience of the repertoire to the notes for performance and textual commentary for each piece, which will prove invaluable for contemporary players.

Scherzoso W. (Battison Haynes)
Nunc Dimittis (Charles Wood)
Fantasy on the Tune ‘Babylon’s Streams’ (William H. Harris)
Impromptu No. 2 (Sydney H. Nicholson)
Lament (Harvey Grace)
‘Epinikion’ (Song of Victory) (Cyril B. Rootham)

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