Maxim, Christopher: Toccata Nuptiale
There being no just cause or impediment to the contrary, Christopher Maxim makes a daring liaison between the music-hall ballad ‘Daisy, Daisy’ (on pedals) and the grand organ style of Vierne (on manuals) in his Toccata Nuptiale, written for the wedding of a friend whose passions include cycling. The result, which moves along way from the organ loft of Notre Dame, is a splendid addition to the repertoire of wedding music and of light-hearted concert works – and is much simpler to play than a real Vierne toccata!
Christopher Maxim has his own website.
Audiences, congregations even, will love it – and you, and the organ, and the composer. Every [organist] of the requisite standard should order a copy without hesitation.
Graham Matthews (Organists’ Review)
This splendid piece has been out for some while, but if you have not seen it, or, better, bought it, remedy the situation without delay: it is a guaranteed noise-stopper, tremendous fun to perform and to hear.
Trevor Webb (Church Music Quarterly)
This delightful piece… [is suitable for] joyful liturgical occasions [and] it would make a good light-hearted recital piece.
CN (The Organ)