Tomkins, Thomas: Songs of Three, Four, Five and Six Parts (1622)
Though better known as a composer of church and keyboard music, Tomkins wrote secular vocal music that offers a compendium of all the various styles: canzonets, balletts, madrigals and ‘sacred songs’. Each was dedicated to one of his relatives, a friend or a colleague. The names of these 28 dedicatees form a fascinating list at the end of the book.
Edited Edmund Fellowes. Revised Thurston Dart
Note: Print on demand. Spiral-bound A4
Individual titles from this volume are available as Adobe PDF files…
Adieu, ye city-poisoning towers (SSATB)
Cloris, whenas I woo (SSATB)
Come, shepherds sing with me (SSATB)
Fond men, that do so highly prize (SST (or A))
Fusca, in thy starry eyes (SSATB)
How great delight (SST)
It is my well-beloved’s voice (SSATTB)
Love, cease tormenting (SSA (or T))
Music divine (SSATTB)
No more I will thy love (SATB)
O let me die for true love (SATB)
O let me live for true love (SATB)
Oft did I marle (SSAATB)
Our hasty life away dost post (SST)
Oyez! Has any found a lad? (SATB)
Phyllis, now cease to move me (SSATB)
Phyllis, yet see him dying (SSATB)
See, see the shepherds’ Queen (SSATB)
Sure there is no god of love (SSA)
The fauns and satyrs tripping (SSATB)
To the shady woods (SSATB)
Too much I once lamented (SSATB)
Turn unto the Lord (SSATTB)
Was ever wretch tormented? (ST (or A) TB)
Weep no more, thou sorry Boy (SATB)
When David heard (SAATB)
When I observe (SSAATB)
Woe is me (SSATBB)
Yet again, as soon revived (SAT (or A) B)