Tomkins, Thomas: Musica Deo Sacra: II
Edited by Bernard Rose
First published in 1968
Pages: 192
Format: Paperback
Dimensions (mm): 253 x 175 x 12
In contrast with the 11 verse anthems collected in EC5, which use texts from the Prayerbook collects for special occasions, all but two of the 14 anthems of this volume employ words from the psalms. Many of the verse sections require great virtuosity of execution, and the variety of styles shows the breadth of this composer’s expressive range.
Contents and further titles by Tomkins…
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Above the stars my Saviour dwells
Behold, I bring you glad tidings
Blessed be the Lord God of Israel
Give sentence with me, O God
Hear my prayer, O good Lord
Hear my prayer, O Lord
I will lift up mine eyes
My Shepherd is the living Lord
O Lord let me know mine end
Out of the deep
Praise the Lord, O ye servants
Sing unto God
Thou art my King, O God
Who can tell