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Lawes, Henry: Sacred Music

Ref: EC61 ISBN: 9780852499610 ISMN: 9790220225987 Categories: , , By:


Transcribed and edited by Jonathan Wainwright

First published in 2020
Pages: 216
Format: Hardback
Dimensions (mm): 324 x 246 x 24
Weight: 1.4kg

Admired by Milton, and the leading English songwriter of the mid-seventeenth century, Henry Lawes (1595–1662) also wrote church music of high quality throughout his life, for divine worship and for the Chapel Royal in particular, as well as devotional pieces associated with his role at the Caroline court of the 1630s. This collection comprises anthems, symphony anthems, devotional anthems, sacred songs, metrical psalms, Latin motets, and rounds, with surviving texts from otherwise lost works and psalm tune variations from Matthew Camidge’s Psalmody for a Single Voice (1789). At the boundary of EECM’s remit to make available church music by British composers from the Norman Conquest to the Commonwealth, and indeed ranging beyond definitions of ‘church music’ more strictly applied elsewhere in the series, this volume is somewhat different in appearance and layout from previous recent EECM editions of polyphony, while also being the first of several more planned explorations of seventeenth-century repertoire.

Individual titles from this volume are available as Adobe PDF files…


1 I know that my redeemer lives (a) MCtTB org
2 My songe shall be of mercy and judgment MCtTB org
3 Blessed is every one that feareth the Lord fragmentary
4 Let God arise fragmentary
5 Rejoice in the Lord, O ye righteous fragmentary

Symphony Anthems

6 Harke sheperd swaynes CCCtTB bc
7 My Soule the Great God’s praises Singes CCCtTB org
8 Sitting by the streames CCCtTB org
9 Thee and thy wondrous deedes O Lord CCCtTB org
10 Zadock the Priest MCtTB org

Devotional Anthems

11 Accept my pray’rs CCB bc
12 Blest, O thrice blest is he (i) CCB bc
13 Cast off and scatter’d in thine ire CCB bc
14 Deprest with griefe CCB bc
15 Happy he, who God obeyes CCB bc
16 How are the Gentiles all on fire! (i) CCB bc
17 How long, O Lord (i) CCB bc
18 Let our foes with terrour quake CCB bc
19 Lord, for thy promise sake defend CCB bc
20 Lord judge my cause CCB bc
21 Lord showre on us thy grace CCB bc
22 Lord to my pray’rs CCB bc
23 My soule, and all my faculties Jehova praise CCB bc
24 Not in thy wrath CCB bc
25 Now in the winter of my yeares CCB bc
26 Now the Lord his reigne begins CCB bc
27 O heare my cries CCB bc
28 O thou from whom all mercy springs CCB bc
29 Our fervent soules on God attend CCB bc
30 That man is truly blest (i) CCB bc
31 The bounty of Jehovah praise (i) CCB bc
32 The King Jehova with thy Justice crowne (i) CCB bc
33 Thy beauty Israel is fled (i) CCB bc
34 To hear me Lord be thou inclin’d (i) CCB bc
35 When griefe my lab’ring soul confounds CCB bC
36 Who trusts in thee (i) CCB bc
37 With sighes and cries CCB bc
38 Woe is me, that I from Israel exiled (i) CCB bc
39 You who the Lord adore CCB bc

Sacred Songs

40 I know that my redeemer lives (b) C bc
– Hymns to the Holy Trinity C bc
41 To God the Father
42 To God the Sonne
43 To God the Holy Ghost
44 The God of love my Shepperd is C bc
45 Thy beauty Israell is fled (ii) C bc
46 Woe is mee, that I from Israell exiled (ii) C bc1

Metrical Psalms

47 Psalme I. That man is truely blest (ii) CB
48 Psalme II. How are the Gentiles all on fire! (ii)CB
49 Psalme III. My God, how are my foes increast! CB
50 Psalme IV. Thou Guardian of my truth and me CB
51 Psalme V. To heare me, Lord, be thou inclin’d (ii) CB
52 Psalme VII. O thou that art my Confidence CB
53 Psalme VIII. Lord, how illustrious is thy Name! CB
54 Psalme IX. Thee will I praise with Heart and Voice CB
55 Psalme X. Withdraw not, O my God, my guid CB
56 Psalme XII. Helpe Lord, for Godly men decay CB
57 Psalme XIII. How long! Lord (ii) CB
58 Psalme X IV. The foole hath said in his false heart CB
59 Psalme XV. Who shall in thy Tent abide? CB
60 Psalme XXII. My God! O why hast thou forsooke! CB
61 Psalme XXIX. You that are of Princely Birth CB
62 Psalme XXXI. Who trusts in Thee (ii) CB
63 Psalme XXXII. Blest, O thrice blest is he (ii) CB
64 Psalme XXXIV. The Lord I will for ever blesse CB
65 Psalme XXXIX. I said, I will my wayes observe CB
66 Psalme XLVI. God is our Refuge, our strong Tower CB
67 Psalme XLVII. Let all in sweet accord CB
68 Psalme LXXII. The King, Jehovah, with thy Justice crowne (ii) CB
69 Psalme CXI. My Soule the honor of our King CB
70 Psalme CXXXV I. The Bountie of Jehovah praise (ii) CB

Latin Motets

71 Laudate Dominum, omnes Gentes CCB bc
72 Predicate in gentibus B bc
73 Quis sicut Dominus Deus noster CB bc


74 I wept, and chastned myself with fasting 3vv
75 Laudate Jehovam 3vv
76 O Absolon, my son 3vv

Text Only

77 Happy sonns of Israel
78 Harken unto my voice
79 Hast thee O God
80 Hearken, O daughter
81 Lord aloft thy triumphs raise
82 Make the great God thy fort
83 O singe unto the Lord A newe songe
84 The Lord in thy adversity
85 The Lord is king
86 The Lord liveth and blessed be
87 They that put their trust in the Lord

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