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Martin, Barnaby: Videntes stellam

Ref: CN17 ISMN: 9790220224416 Categories: , By:

From: £3.25

SATB and organ

This setting of Videntes stellam aims to explore the extremes of emotion surrounding the revelation of Christ. The piece begins by depicting the vision of the star and the journey of the Kings, utilising a bright harmonic language in the organ and emphatic, cascading outbursts of praise from the choir, periodically interrupted by more reflective iterations of the text. Following a final declaration of exaltation and joy, the piece concludes with a peaceful and reverential picture of the giving of gifts to the infant Jesus, fading away as the organ takes up the original theme under the final statement of ‘… myrrham’ from the choir. Suitable for evensongs or concerts throughout the whole of the Advent, Christmas and Epiphany seasons. Videntes stellam was the 2013 winner of the New Music for St Paul’s Cathedral Composition Competition.

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