Galliard Spirituals, 32
Compiled by June Boyce-Tillman
32 Galliard Spirituals has been compiled by June Boyce-Tillman after working for many years with children and adults of all races and creeds. In the collection, she traces through the songs the authentic record of how the Black American community thought, felt and managed to survive in 18th century Maryland and 19th century Louisiana on the hope of freedom still echoed in Dr Martin Luther King’s famous “I have a dream” speech. The songs are not only history but they are amongst the most moving and beautiful of all Western songs both in their poetry and in their simple, direct melody . . . and above all in their freedom to sing rhythm against a steady beat.
Blind man stood on the way and cried (C – C)
Come on up to the bright glory (E – D)
Do, Lord, remember me (D – D)
Don’t be weary, traveller (D – G)
Don’t leave me, Lord (E – B)
Every time I think about Jesus (B – D)
Free at last (D – C#)
Go chain the lion down (B – D)
He never said a mumbaling word (D – D)
He’s just the same today (D – D)
If-a you can’t come (B – D)
In that great getting-up morning (C – C)
Look-a how they done my Lord (D – B)
Lord, I wish I had an eagle’s wings (C# – D)
My Lord, what a morning (D – B)
Oh, Mary don’t you weep (E – C)
Oh, the heaven is shining (E – B)
O Mary, what you weeping about (E – C#)
O Mary, where is your baby? (C – E)
Poor li’l Jesus (D – E)
Prayer is the key of heaven (D# – C#)
Seek and you shall find (C – A)
Sing Hallelu (A – D)
Somebody’s knocking at your door (B – D)
Sun don’t set in the morning (D – D)
Tell me what month was Jesus born in (D – D)
This is the man (E – B)
Trouble was hard (E – E)
Wade in the water (B – E)
When Christ the Lord was here below (E – C#)
Wonder where is good old Daniel (B – D)
You may bury me in the east (D – D)