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Ireland, John: The Collected Works for Piano: Volume 2

Ref: B394 ISBN: 9780852493946 ISMN: 9790220208966 Categories: , , By:


Ireland’s piano music is as vital a contribution to the British tradition as is that of Fauré to the French; and the work of both composers (wholly personal, yet at the same time completely typical of their own countries) is an enrichment of the heritage of European music.

The pieces in the first four volumes of this collected edition are arranged in chronological order of composition. The Piano Sonata (1920) is issued separately as Volume 5. A sixth volume, published in 2012 to mark the fiftieth anniversary of John Ireland’s death, contains a number of uncollected original solo pieces and arrangements for piano.

The Collected Works for Piano full contents…

Chelsea Reach (from ‘London Pieces’)
Ragamuffin (from ‘London Pieces’)
Soho Forenoons (from ‘London Pieces’)
By the Mere (from ‘Leaves from a Child’s Sketchbook’)
In the Meadow (from ‘Leaves from a Child’s Sketchbook’)
The Hunt’s Up (from ‘Leaves from a Child’s Sketchbook’)
Merry Andrew
The Towing Path
Summer Evening
The Darkened Valley (Also separately as 0642)
For Remembrance (from ‘Two Pieces’)
Amberley Wild Brooks (from ‘Two Pieces’) (Also separately as 0638)
On a Birthday Morning

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