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Byrd, William: Consort Songs for voice & viols


The Byrd Edition Volume 15
Edited by Philip Brett
First published: 1970
Pages: 190
Format: Paperback
Dimensions (mm): 254 x 177 x 12

Individual titles from this volume are available as Adobe PDF files…

The consort song was a genre that Byrd explored without serious disciples or artistic rivals in his time. Even so, his example in this form exercised a profound influence on later generations through its offshoot, the verse anthem. 41 songs are here grouped into four sections: Psalms and spiritual songs; moral songs and ‘sonnets’; elegies; and later songs. Eight more doubtful or spurious compositions are contained in an appendix.


Ah, alas, you salt sea gods (Abradad) (Doubtful Work)
Ah, golden hairs
An aged dame
As Caesar wept
Blame I confess
By force I live (Doubtful Work)
Come tread the paths (Guichardo) (Doubtful Work)
Come, pretty babe
Content is rich
Crowned with flow’rs and lilies
Delight is dead
E’en as in seas
Fair Britain isle (1612)
Have mercy on us, Lord (Psalm 67)
He that all earthly pleasure scorns
I will not say
In angel’s weed (1586)
Lord to thee I make my moan (Psalm 130)
Methought of late (Doubtful Work)
Mount, Hope, above the skies
My freedom, ah (I thought that love)
My little sweet darling (Doubtful Work)
My mistress had a little dog (after 1596)
O God, but God
O heav’nly God (Doubtful Work)
O Lord within thy tabernacle (Psalm 15)
O Lord, bow down
O Lord, how vain
O that we woeful wretches
Out of the orient crystal skies
Quis me statim (1592)
Rejoice unto the Lord (1586)
Sith Death at length
Sith that the tree
The day delay’d (Doubtful Work)
The Lord is my only support (Psalm 23)
The man is blest (Psalm 112)
Thou poet’s friend
Though I be Brown (1608)
Triumph with pleasant melody
Truce for a time
Truth at the first
What steps of strife
Where the blind
While Phoebus us’d to dwell (The noble famous Queen)
Whom hateful harms (Doubtful Work)
With lilies white (1608)
Wretched Albinus (1601)
Ye sacred muses (1585)

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