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Storace, Stephen: Gli Equivoci. Opera. Rental

Storace, Stephen: Gli Equivoci. Opera. Rental

Edited by Richard Platt

Full scores, vocal score, soloists’ parts, four parts for minor roles, and instrumental material

The vocal score is also available for sale as Volume 86 of “Musica Britannica” (MB86). The libretto is also available separately for sale (Y342).

Please contact the Hire


Hubert Parry

...and piano.

In addition, around half of the entire collection of his twelve volumes of English Lyrics is to be found among the 40 songs included in Hubert Parry Songs, volume 49 of the celebrated Musica Britannica series. His three violin sonatas (the first only recently discovered and the...

Mediaeval Carols - REVISED EDITION

Mediaeval Carols - REVISED EDITION

A third, revised edition of the popular Musica Britannica series volume 4 has just been published.

This is a substantial revision with significant adjustments of the music to reflect greater textual accuracy, and a fuller understanding of the style resulting from six decades of further research. The new

Stainer & Bell Announcement

Stainer & Bell Announcement

...important catalogue of British sacred and secular choral, chamber and orchestral music which is continued through to the present. The company is also recognised for its distinguished collected editions including Musica Britannica, The Byrd Edition, Early English Church Music and new volumes in the Purcell Society Edition. Contemporary British hymnody...

The Byrd Edition

...soon found that much of the collection required more extensive amendment, and between 1968 and 1971 volumes 15 and 17 were edited afresh, and volumes 18–20 were replaced by volumes 27 and 28 of Musica Britannica edited by Alan Brown.

The 350th anniversary of the composer’s death marked the...

Thomas Linley (Jnr) drowning at the age of twenty-two means that little of his work exists. However, in Songs of the Linleys for high voice some material has been preserved. His Shakespeare Ode which was first performed at Drury Lane on 20th March 1776 is published in Volume 30 of Musica Britannica.


William Boyce

...inestimable collection Cathedral Music, published between 1760 and 1773, did much to preserve an understanding of music from the period of Tallis to the early eighteenth century, and prefigured later scholarly editions. It is fitting therefore not only that Solomon is included in the Musica Britannica series but also that...
Songs In British Sources C.1150-1300

Songs in British Sources c.1150-1300


Composer Title ANONYMOUS Absit nobis gloriari ANONYMOUS [… a]mer me estut a tute fin ANONYMOUS Amor patris et filii ANONYMOUS Angelus ad virginem ANONYMOUS Ante thronum regentis omnia ANONYMOUS Ante thronum regentis omnia (alternative version) ANONYMOUS Ar ne kuthe ANONYMOUS Ave gloriosa mater salvatoris ANONYMOUS Ave gloriosa mater...
Blow, John: Sixteen Organ Pieces

Blow, John: Sixteen Organ Pieces

Selected from Musica Britannica Volume 69. Edited by Barry Cooper. This collection of sixteen pieces by John Blow (1649-1708), taken from the complete organ music published in Volume 69 of Musica Britannica, is an authoritative introduction to the work of the leading Restoration English composer of organ music. More...
Blow, John: Twenty-Five Harpsichord Pieces

Blow, John: Twenty-Five Harpsichord Pieces

Selected from Musica Britannica Volume 73. Edited by Robert Klakowich. Amateur and professional players with an interest in Baroque repertoire will welcome this generous selection of 25 harpsichord pieces by John Blow (1649-1708). Blow stands as the dominant figure of English harpsichord composition in the late seventeenth century, the master...
Music Of Scotland 1500-1700

Music of Scotland 1500-1700

...reformed church, songs and instrumental music - music of court, cathedral and castle, kirk, burgh and countryside. This has remained one of the most popular Musica Britannica volumes amongst both scholars and performers. Any individual work from this volume is available in printed or digital (PDF) format on request (
English Keyboard Music C.1600-1625

English Keyboard Music c.1600-1625

Edited by Alan Brown First published in 2014 Pages: 240 Format: Hardback Dimensions (mm): 330 x 254 x 26 Weight: 1.707kg This volume is the first of two intended to extend the coverage of keyboard music in Musica Britannica comprehensively into the first quarter of the 17th century. (The other,...
Secular Polyphony 1380-1480

Secular Polyphony 1380-1480

Edited by David Fallows First published in 2014 Pages: 360 Format: Hardback Dimensions (mm): 330 x 254 x 31 Weight: 2.043kg Aiming to complement and complete the repertory of early secular polyphony edited by John Stevens in Musica Britannica volumes IV, XVIII and XXXVI, Secular Polyphony 1380–1480...
Jacobean Keyboard Music: An Anthology

Jacobean Keyboard Music: An Anthology

Selected from Musica Britannica Volume 96. Edited by Alan Brown. All eighteen pieces in this collection are reliably dated to the reign of James I, and whether by named composers or anonymous ones, appear in sources other than the notable virginal books preserved in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge. The contents...
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