These works, originally published within Musica Britannica volumes, are all available as individual titles. The Musica Britannica volume from which each work is taken is shown in italic after the title.
Over 225 individual choral items taken from Musica Britannica are now available as Adobe PDF files for delivery to your inbox.
In addition, individual pieces from any volume in Musica Britannica are usually available for sale in printed or digital (PDF) format on request (
Thomas ARNE
Concerto No. 5 in G minor. Solo Keyboard, two Oboes, Bassoon and Strings (MB94)
Solo Keyboard Part (with four other pieces) K46
Score, Wind and String Parts (MB94) Y306
And I heard a great voice. SATBB. Full Score (MB7) W105
Behold O God our Defender with Let my Prayer come up. (FULL) SATB (MB7) E701
God spake sometime in visions. SSAATTBB. Vocal Score (MB7) D3
Sixteen Pieces. Organ (MB69) K43
The Lord is my Shepherd. SATBB. Full Score (MB7) W87
Twenty-five Pieces. Harpsichord (MB73) K44
Alan BROWN (ed.)
Jacobean Keyboard Music. Anthology (MB96) K49
Keyboard Solos and Duets. Six Pieces by John Amner, Nicholas Carleton and John Tomkins (MB96) K48
BULL, John
Pavan: Ph. Tregian (MB28) MB2860
Ten Pieces. Early Keyboard (MB14) K8
Twelve Pieces. Early Keyboard (MB14) K36
William BYRD
Nine Pieces from My Lady Nevell’s Book. Early Keyboard (MB27) K33
Six Sets of Variations. Early Keyboard (MB28) K34
John CALDWELL (ed.)
Thirty-five Pieces from The Mulliner Book (MB1) K3
Four-part Fantasia. Reconstructed by Alan Brown. Two Treble Viols, Tenor Viol and Bass Viol (or String Quartet). String Parts (MB96) Y328
François CELLIER
Captain Billy. Vocal Score (MB99) D105 Publication 2018
Concerto Set 1 No. 2 in A minor. Solo Harpsichord and Strings (MB94)
Solo Harpsichord Part (with four other pieces) K46
Score and String Parts Y307
William COATES & Thurston DART (eds.)
Jacobean Consort Music. Selection of Five Fantasias and Two Dances of Three Parts. For Recorders or Viols. Set of Parts (MB9) H132
Benjamin COOKE
Concerto in D major. Solo Organ and Strings (MB94)
Solo Organ Part (with four other pieces) K46
Score and String Parts Y308
William CROFT
Four Sonatas for two Violins and Continuo. Score and Parts (MB88) Y268
Six Sonatas for two Recorders. Individual Parts (MB88) Y269
Three Sonatas for Violin and Continuo (with keyboard realisation). Score and Parts (MB88) Y270
Sonata in E major for four Violins and Continuo. Score and Parts (MB88) Y266
Sonata in F major for two Recorders, two Violins and Continuo. Score and Parts (MB88) Y267
William CROTCH
Concerto No. 2 in A major. Solo Organ, two Flutes, Bassoon, two Trumpets, Timpani and Strings (MB94)
Solo Organ Part Y309
Score and Parts HL411 Rental
Richard DERING
City Cries and Country Cries. Score and Parts (MB22) H231
Consort Music of Three and Four Parts (with consort music by Peter PHILIPS). Set of Parts (MB101) Y343
Consort Music of Five Parts (with consort music by Peter PHILIPS). Set of Parts (MB101) Y344
Consort Music of Six Parts (with consort music by Peter PHILIPS). Set of Parts (MB101) Y345
The following motets from MB87 are available in single transpositions (a fourth lower than printed in MB87).
Anima Christi. CB bc Y254
Jesus auctor clementiae. B bc Y255
O Domine Jesu Christe, adoro te (a). CB bc Y256
O sacrum convivium (ii). CB bc Y257
Paul DOE (ed.)
Elizabethan Consort Music. Sixteen Four-Part In Nomines for Viols. String Parts (MB44 and MB45) Y225
Ayres. Collection for four-part voices. (MB6: old edition) B334
Sally DRAGE (ed.) See Nicholas TEMPERLEY (ed.)
Magnificat Regale. SATBaB (MB12) E1204
William FELTON
Concerto Op. 1 No. 1 in C major. Solo Keyboard, two Oboes, Bassoon and Strings (MB94)
Solo Keyboard Part (with four other pieces) K46
Score, Wind and String Parts Y310
Consort Music of Five Parts. String Parts (MB81) H443
Four-part Fantasias for Viols. String Parts (MB62) H350
Eight Keyboard Pieces. Early Keyboard (MB20) K26
Nine Organ Pieces. Early Keyboard (MB20) K25
Philip HAYES
Concerto No. 3 in F major. Solo Keyboard, two Flutes, Bassoon, two Horns and Strings (MB94)
Solo Keyboard Part (with four other pieces) K47
Score, Wind and String Parts Y311
William HAYES
Concerto in D major. Solo Organ and Strings (MB94)
Solo Organ Part (with four other pieces) K46
Score and String Parts Y312
Thirty-five Compositions (MB18) E1801
James HOOK
Concerto No. 1 in C major. Solo Keyboard, two Flutes, two Horns and Strings (MB94)
Solo Keyboard Part (with four other pieces) K47
Score, Wind and String Parts Y313
Fantasia-Air Sets. Two Treble Viols (or Violins), Bass Viol and Organ. String Parts and Continuo Realisation (MB78) H433
Fantasia-Suites. Two Trebles (Violins), two Basses (Viols) and Organ. String Parts (MB26) Y218
Fantasia-Suites. Two Treble Viols (or Violins), Bass Viol and Organ. String Parts (MB78) H432
Fantasia-Suites. Treble Viol (or Violin), Two Bass Viols and Organ. String Parts (MB90, Suites 1–5) Y277
Fantasia-Suites. Treble Viol (or Violin), Two Bass Viols and Organ. String Parts (MB90, Suites 6–9) Y278
Restoration Music for Three Violins, Bass Viol and Continuo, Set 1 (MB103, Nos. 2–11) Y350
Thirty-two Airs. Two Treble Viols (or Violins), two Basses (Viols) and Organ. String Parts (MB26) Y242
Three-part Fantasias. Set I. Treble Viol (or Violin), two Bass Viols and Organ. String Parts (MB70) H396
Three-part Fantasias. Set II. Two Treble Viols (or Violins) and Bass Viol. String Parts (MB70) H397
William LAWES
Fantasia-Suites. Set I. Violin, Bass Viol and Organ. String Parts (MB60) H346
Fantasia-Suites. Set II. Two Violins, Bass Viol and Organ. String Parts (MB60) H347
Matthew LOCKE
Little Consort, Book 1: Suites 1–5. Score and Parts (MB31) H282
Little Consort, Book 2: Suites 6–10. Score and Parts (MB31) H306
Peter LYNAN (ed.)
Eighteenth-Century English Keyboard Concertos (MB94)
Volume 1. Solo Keyboard K46
Volume 2. Solo Keyboard K47
Richard MICO
Consort Music. Set I for four Viols. Parts (MB65) H359
Consort Music. Set II for two, three and five Viols. Parts (MB65) H360
Hubert PARRY
Fantasie Sonata in one movement for Violin and Pianoforte. Score and Part (MB80) Y202
Sonata in D for Pianoforte and Violin. Score and Part (MB80) Y203
Sonata [in D minor] for Violin and Pianoforte. Score and Part (MB80) Y201
Consort Music of Three and Four Parts (with consort music by Richard DERING). Set of Parts (MB101) Y343
Consort Music of Five Parts (with consort music by Richard DERING). Set of Parts (MB101) Y344
Consort Music of Six Parts (with consort music by Richard Dering). Set of Parts (MB101) Y345
The following motets all from MB61 are available in single transpositions. All are with Organ except Y123.
Alma Redemptoris Mater. SATB SATB. E flat (orig. F) Y96
Ave Jesu Christe. SATB SATB. Gm (orig. Am) Y97
Ave Regina caelorum. SATB SATB. B flat (orig. C) Y98
Beati estis. SATB SATB. B flat (orig. C) Y99
Benedicta sit sancta Trinitas. SATB SATB. D (orig. C) Y100
Benedictus Deus noster. SSAT SATB. D (orig. C) Y101
Benedictus Dominus. SATB SATB. Gm (orig. Am) Y102
Caecilia Virgo. SSAT ATBB. Am (orig. Gm) Y103
Cum jucunditate. SATB SATB. B flat (orig. C) Y104
Ecce tu pulchra es. SATB SATB. B flat (orig. C) Y105
Ecce vicit Leo. SATB SATB. B flat (orig. C.) Y106
Exsurgens Maria. SATB SATB. Am (orig. Gm) Y107
Gaudeamus omnes in Domino. SATB SATB. B flat (orig. C) Y108
Gaudens gaudebo in Domino. SATB SATB. B flat (orig. C) Y109
Gentes Philippus ducit. SATB SATB. D (orig. C) Y110
Hodie concepta est. SATB SATB. B flat (orig. C) Y111
Hodie in monte. SATB SATB. B flat (orig. C) Y112
Hodie nobis de caelo. SATB SATB. B flat (orig. C) Y113
Jubilate Deo. SATB SATB. Am (orig. Gm) Y114
O Pastor aeterne. SATB SATB. G (orig. F) Y115
O quam suavis est [i]. SATB SATB. Gm (orig. Am) Y116
O quam suavis est [ii]. SATB SATB. Am (orig. Gm) Y117
Panis sancte. SATB SATB. Gm (orig. Am) Y118
Quae est ista. SATB SATB. B flat (orig. C) Y119
Regina caeli laetare. SSAT SATB. G (orig. F) Y120
Salve Regina. SATB SATB. E flat (orig. F) Y121
Tu es Petrus. SATB SATB. B flat (orig. C) Y122
Vulnera manuum quae sunt. SATB SATB. Am (orig. Gm) Y123
Thomas RAVENSCROFT (collector)
Rounds and Canons (MB93) B945
George RUSH
Concerto No. 3 in B flat major. Solo Keyboard and Strings (MB94)
Solo Keyboard Part (with four other pieces) K47
Score and String Parts Y314
Concerto in G major. Solo Organ and Orchestra (MB94)
Solo Organ Part Y318
Score and Parts HL413 Rental
Ian SPINK (ed.)
Cavalier Songs (MB33) B325
Concerto Op. 10 No. 4 in C minor. Solo Organ and Strings (MB94)
Solo Organ Part (with four other pieces) K47
Score and String Parts Y315
John STEVENS (ed.)
Invitation to Medieval Music, Book 5. Part-Songs from the Court of Henry VIII. Selection for 1–5 voices and/or instruments. (MB18) B331
Invitation to Medieval Music, Book 6. Medieval Carols. For 1–3 voices and/or instruments. (MB4) B326
Gli equivoci. Libretto. Original Italian by Lorenzo Da Ponte adapted from Shakespeare’s The Comedy of Errors, with an English singing translation by Brian Trowell (MB86) Y342
Nicholas TEMPERLEY & Sally DRAGE (eds.)
Sing We Merrily: Music for Eighteenth-Century English Choirs. With keyboard reductions (MB85) D93
Consort Music. Set I for three Viols. Set of Parts (MB59) H343
Consort Music. Set II for four, five and six Viols. Set of Parts (MB59) H344
Fifteen Dances. Early Keyboard (MB5) K2
Nine Organ Pieces. Early Keyboard (MB5) K1
Consort Music of Five and Six Parts. Set of Parts (MB67) H368
Oxford Fantasias and Two-part Ayres. Set of Parts (MB83) Y221
All People, clap your hands. SAATB (MB23) E2301
Gloria in Excelsis Deo. SSAATB (MB23) E2304
Hosanna to the Son of David. SSATBB (MB23) E2303
When David Heard. SSAATB (MB23) E2302
Charles WESLEY
Concerto Set 3 No. 2 in E major. Solo Organ, two Oboes, Bassoon and Strings (MB94)
Solo Organ Part (with four other pieces) K47
Score, Wind and String Parts Y316
Concerto in D major. Solo Organ and Orchestra (MB94)
Solo Organ Part Y317
Score and Parts HL412 Rental
Restoration Music for Three Violins, Bass Viol and Continuo, Set 2 (MB103, 1 & 12–18) Y351
Robert WHITE
Fantasias and In Nomines for four Viols. Set of Parts (MB44) Y327
Six Fantasias for Organ (MB44) K45