There can be very few denominational hymn books published in the last sixty years in the English language that do not include at least one text from the Stainer & Bell stable of lyrics. These include such well-known writers as Elizabeth Cosnett, Alan Gaunt, Fred Pratt Green, Fred Kaan, Andrew Pratt, Peter Sharrocks, Brian Wren and of course Sydney Carter.
New texts have been premiered in Worship Live and other Stainer & Bell publications, which include a wealth of material on hymns, hymnwriters and the origins and use of hymns within Christian worship. Useful anthologies for church and school use, such as the Touching the Pulse series, have kept Stainer & Bell in the forefront of hard-hitting and often controversial material for both public and personal reflection. Stainer & Bell are members of the Hymn Society of Great Britain & Ireland.
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